Tunji-Ojo Suspension: Ijaw group kick against move 


The Ijaw Professionals’ Forum (IPF) has appealed to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to be wary of opposition elements and enemies of his government calling for the suspension of his Interior Minister, Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo over the financial scandal involving the suspended Humanitarian Minister, Betta Edu.

The Ijaw professionals in an open letter commended Tinubu for the way and manner he had so far handled issues affecting his government especially his speedy treatment of the Edu’s financial scandal.

But the forum in the letter signed by its Secretary, Clarkson Borchson Ayibapreye, urged the President to carefully evaluate the voices against Tunji-Ojo to avoid falling into the traps of the opposition and enemies of his government.

The letter said: “Mr. President must always remember that his government has opposition. Once a story like this is in the public domain your opposition will also like to take undue advantage of it.

“Enemies of the government will exaggerate and widen the net to rope-in all your key men. That, we believe is what is happening with your Hon. Minister of Interior. A honourable young man who has done everything to endear your government to all; locally and internationally.

Read Also:

Tunji-Ojo: Open letter to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu

“The energy, creativity and innovation he has brought to your government is unparalleled. They say a goldfish has no hiding place, unfortunately his outstanding performance has attracted the attention of enemies of your government.

“The Honourable Minister of Interior is a very valuable player in your government, and the opposition will revel in seeing him injured, which, I fear may be what is playing out.

“Tunji-Ojo is not Betta Edu. Tunji-Ojo is not even the Minister for Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management. Tunji-Ojo is doing well as the Minister of the Interior, and so far affairs in that Ministry have been above board.

“He resigned from the company in question five years ago. He is not a signatory to the account of the company. What is the hullabaloo about?

“Was the contract abandoned or executed? Was any of the proceeds transferred to Tunji-Ojo’s private account? Has Tunji-Ojo truly resigned from the company? Is he a signatory to the company’s account?

“If the answers to the questions do not implicate him then please, Mr President, do not stress. Carry on with the good work you are doing.

“Let Hon. Tunji-Ojo also continue his good work as Minister of the Interior. Nigerians are with you sir. Above all God is with you. May God bless President Bola Tinubu.”

Assessing Tinubu’s administration so far, the professionals said: “You came in as President, and hit the ground running. It was like a child running on the day it was born.

“On the very first day, you announced a momentous policy: the Deregulation Policy. It was uncharted territory. Even your predecessor, a retired military general, was not keen to thread that path on account of obvious dangers but, you, President Bola Tinubu did.

“Since then you have defined your administ­ration as one that is ready for business. Mr President, you have also distinguished yourself by the quality of people you appointed to your government.

“But by far the most distinguishing factor in your administration is the swiftness with which issues are handled. This government is now known the world over as a listening government.”

Describing Tinubu as an exceptional leader, the Ijaw professionals said the President required effective supporters and workers like Tunji-ojo, whom they said had been discharging his duties well.

They further appealed to the President not to allow “those who do not mean well” to determine the policy direction of his government.


  1. Sola

    We hope the president will his capacity and consider the journey so far and ensure that hon Minister Olubunmi Tunji-ojo is protected.

  2. Sola

    We hope the president will act in his capacity and consider the journey so far and ensure that hon Minister Olubunmi Tunji-ojo is protected.

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