NCE rejects 65-year retirement age for workers


The National Council on Establishment has rejected the proposed 65-year retirement age for workers in the country.

The council, in a communique released on Friday in Abuja, said the proposal for an upward review of retirement age negates the principles of renewal, youth empowerment and innovation.

The Nigeria Labour Congress during the May 2023 Workers Day called for an upward review of retirement age to 65.

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The National President of the NLC, Joe Ajaero, in an interview with our correspondent shortly after the inauguration of President Bola Tinubu as president noted that the organised labour would meet the Pesident on the proposal for the new retirement.

In the communique by the NCE which was jointly signed by the Chairman of the Council, who also doubles as the Head of Civil Service of the Federation, Folashade Yemi-Esan, and the Secretary of the Council, Olufemi Oloruntola, the Council said, “Council for the umpteenth time rejected out rightly, the request for upward review of retirement age for public aervants to 40 years’ of service or 65 years of age; as it is contrary to national aspiration of renewal, youth empowerment, innovation and also not in tandem with the reality of our population dynamics.

“It strongly advised all tiers of government to check the demand. However, it noted that the option of contract appointment exists and should be explored where necessary to bridge skills gaps as a result of retirement.”

Other decisions taken by the Council include, “the professionalisation of the human resource practice in the civil service, creation of Information and Public Relations Officer Cadre structured on SGL. 08-17 and Executive Officer (Information and Public Relations) Cadre structured on SGL. 06-14, in the Schemes of Service; that a retreat for Heads of Service to cross fertilize ideas, peer review will hold once a year in the first quarter; and that 46th National Council on Establishments meeting will hold in Osogbo, Osun State in 2024.”

The 45th meeting of the National Council on Establishment held in Bauchi State and was presided by Yemi-Esan.

The meeting also had in attendance Heads of Service from states of the federation and permanent secretaries.


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